Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Holidays season and the trip to the southest south

WARNING: The following post it's very boring. So sorry about that but I'm a bad writer and I don't know how to start this post without introducing a "Warning sign"... Wait a minute, this is perfect! my introduction could be this entire warning sign. Thanks post-modernism, you saved my blog once again. Well, back to the post:
 It has passed like 1 years and some months since I went to the south part of Chile and I might say it was a blast (for the most parts). It was holidays season and as always I was bored and without much to do, so when I knew my sister and his boyfriend were planning to go on a trip I beg to let me go with them. So I, my sisters (my other sister also came), Pablo (my sister's boyfriend) and my dad went on a trip to Puerto Montt, my father's "homeland". The trip was planned to last a week because we wanted to know other cities and places, so the first stop were in Salto Del Laja where we camped because it was too late to drive on the road. The next stop was Valdivia, the most awesome city we went. We visited the fort La Niebla, sailed on a boat and we ate "papas bravas" (recommendation: never eat papas bravas without a liquid. It's a very spicy food, trust me). Then we went to a little village that I don't remember much about, but it was near of Lago Renco, so we headed to there. And finally Puerto Montt, kind of a boring place. When we arrived there it was rainning so we only stayed on my grandma's house and that was the last thay of the trip. The next day we came back to Santiago.

 I guess this trip has been the best so far 'cause I don't usually have the possibility of going anywhere on vacations besides of my great-grandmother's house on Chillan, and that little variety made me so happy.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Nihon no turippu

Hello internet.
Today I'm gonna talk about a place that is famous for a lot of weird stuff, specially the stuff that happened in the 90's. Well, if the title isn't obvious, the country I'm talking about is Japan, also known as the "sunrise land", It's a country located in a large island at the east of China and at the south from mother Russia. It's a country with a population of 120 millions of people and currently it's the place with the most suicide rate in the planet (that's a pretty good reason to live there!). Besides all this I would like to visit that country because it is an interesting place. In a sense Japan it's in a constant war with itself. For one part Japan tries to be as conservative as Donald Trump's hair (Donald Trump's hair reference... checked), they try to maintain their folklore and the ideal "Japanese Bussiness" intact, but Japan, as we know, it's one of the country wich it's constantly innovating in matters of technology and science, making this beast of a country... also they have anime. No, but seriuosly, how many countries have that mentality? That  kind of mystical but practical, acient but technological, eastern but western folk (yeah. Did you know after WWII Japan was administrated by USA?)  wonders my mind a lot, so one of the first thing I would do in there is to visit the multiple shinto shrines, observing the Fuji mountain and of course spend a lot of money in Akibahara (What? I have need as any human, don't judge me). Indeed I wouldn't stay for too long, as I said Japan is a very messy and weird country. Everyone is so passioned about their jobs that they die while working in the office. The amount of suicides it's just a consequense of the hard work they have to deal or the loneliness felt in this island. Also, as a society they still belive in a "male-race supremacy", so that's something to consider if you wanna be a fan of the "Japan it's the best country club".