Tuesday, October 24, 2017

summer plans

I feel like I already talked about this matter before but I don't quite remember. I think it was in the english video that I sent last week, but that video only mentioned what I expected to do during the holidays. 
Anyways, when it comes to plan the vacations I usually do a regular schedule that consist only in visiting my grandmother who lives in San Carlos, a small village near Chillan. There has been some vacations with other destinations, like three years ago when I went to Valdivia, but those trips aren't planned by me. So this next summer I wanna try to do something different: I want to get a job.
Well, getting a job doesn't sound fun at all and I actually agree. The thing is I need a new PC and materials for the third semester of university, so I would need to save some money. But working is not the only thing that I have in mind.
I'm currently doing historical fencing on Sundays so I'm plannig to stay in Santiago for at least the month of Junuary to practice on a regular basis, thus leaving me February for visiting my gandmother. Now that I remember my mother told me she wanted to go to Valparaiso for this vacations. Perhaps I could go with her and my sisters for a week, but I'm not quite sure of that because she only mentioned once. 
So this is my plan for this summer. Kinda lame but is the only thing that I can come up with.

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