Tuesday, November 7, 2017

an inside view of the FAU

As you may know I started to study architecture just eight months ago and in that time I have done so many things. I had to learn how to do models and make floor plans, I had to talk with so many people, pass some nights without sleep and many other stuff.
In this year I've change so much that I don't quite remember how I was in march (seriously). But thinking about the year as the responsible it's just a misconception because those changes could only happen because I'm studing architecture in FAU, even though I started to appreciate more this campus but, besides all this, I need to say FAU has one problem in particular that I wanna talk:

In the previous semester my workshop class was in the F14 classroom, a room so tiny for a class with 33 students. The room was full with tables and chairs that we nearly fit inside. When it was time to work in a proyect half of my classmates worked outside. Fortunately now we are just 24 students and our classroom is much bigger in the F11. Indeed this experience has led me to think FAU doesn't have a suited infrastucture in all classrooms, specially considering we are about 2000 students in total. It wouldn't be so bad if at least the administration planned how many people can stay in one room.
Another thing I would change is the map library. It's really nice that we have one already but I think it needs an extension. Sometimes when I try to work with paper laminates I go to the map library and it turns out to be crowded so I have to work in a window instead of a light table for those situations.
For things like teaching methods or the curriculum I really don't mind, I might say this is my first year so I don't have a stance to argue.

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