So the question for this post is ¿What would I do with time travel? and the answer is "everything". With this ability I could do anything: visit the future to see if humans are still living there, visit the past to watch the dinosaurs or even make me the supreme ruler of the world. But ¿Should I visit the past? indeed visiting the past has a lots of problems. First of all ¿Should I kill baby Hitler? Some people might say "yes indeed, you could save us from WWII", but if I kill baby Hitler WWII wouldn't happen thus the Cold War wouldn't occurred and the internet wouldn't been invented and I might not be able to write this post right now. The thing is visiting the past only has three options: visiting and changing the past makes time itself to be re-wrote or it's just another form to visit parallel universes or nether of those because we don't have free will and we are destine to do the things that we have to do...
... So in resume ¿Would I prefer go to the past or the future? No, I wouldn't go anywhere but here in the "present".