Tuesday, November 14, 2017

English experience

For those who doesn't know I'm not an english adept and I will never be one, after all I wasn't born in an english speaking country, but that doesn't mean I can try at least while writing this post. 
To recap Chile is not a country with high levels of english. Indeed only in the last 10 years english has been part of the school curriculum, fortunately I was 8 when I started learning english so I feel my generation has certains adventages in this matter.
Well, now I'm in my 19 at the university speaking and writing with no concerns about if my writing is good or bad, or if my speaking is fluent or not. At this point I just do, I just try to explain my feelings and ideas as if I was talking in spanish. Maybe the only problem that I have is sometimes I get "tongue twisted" but that's because I have problems with communication,but that's another story for another time.
So now the English sessions are about to finish and if everything goes according to my expectations I won't have another english session in my career because this is the last english class that is obligatory, wich is kind of bad because that means that I won't have time to talk in english seriously ,and I mean "seriously" because sometimes I just use english to joke with people or to talk with my self, so I'll miss FAU Session 6.
My final words (wow, how tragic is this?):
Good bye everyone, it has been a blast writing for you. Maybe we'll meet someday in the future.

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

an inside view of the FAU

As you may know I started to study architecture just eight months ago and in that time I have done so many things. I had to learn how to do models and make floor plans, I had to talk with so many people, pass some nights without sleep and many other stuff.
In this year I've change so much that I don't quite remember how I was in march (seriously). But thinking about the year as the responsible it's just a misconception because those changes could only happen because I'm studing architecture in FAU, even though I started to appreciate more this campus but, besides all this, I need to say FAU has one problem in particular that I wanna talk:

In the previous semester my workshop class was in the F14 classroom, a room so tiny for a class with 33 students. The room was full with tables and chairs that we nearly fit inside. When it was time to work in a proyect half of my classmates worked outside. Fortunately now we are just 24 students and our classroom is much bigger in the F11. Indeed this experience has led me to think FAU doesn't have a suited infrastucture in all classrooms, specially considering we are about 2000 students in total. It wouldn't be so bad if at least the administration planned how many people can stay in one room.
Another thing I would change is the map library. It's really nice that we have one already but I think it needs an extension. Sometimes when I try to work with paper laminates I go to the map library and it turns out to be crowded so I have to work in a window instead of a light table for those situations.
For things like teaching methods or the curriculum I really don't mind, I might say this is my first year so I don't have a stance to argue.

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

time travelling

When I was 12 years old I was fascinated with time travel. At the time my friends and I stared a club in search of time travelers and other fantasies but we quickly realized it was a hopeless task so we didn't search any further. Even if I already know time travel is impossible (because for that you need to travel faster than light, theoretically speaking) I still have a sense of wonder with the trilogy of Back to the Future or Stein:Gates, series that relies on this sci-fi concept.
So the question for this post is ¿What would I do with time travel? and the answer is "everything". With this ability I could do anything: visit the future to see if humans are still living there, visit the past to watch the dinosaurs or even make me the supreme ruler of the world. But ¿Should I visit the past? indeed visiting the past has a lots of problems. First of all ¿Should I kill baby Hitler? Some people might say "yes indeed, you could save us from WWII", but if I kill baby Hitler WWII wouldn't happen thus the Cold War wouldn't occurred and the internet wouldn't been invented and I might not be able to write this post right now. The thing is visiting the past only has three options: visiting and changing the past makes time itself to be re-wrote or it's just another form to visit parallel universes or nether of those because we don't have free will and we are destine to do the things that we have to do...
... So in resume ¿Would I prefer go to the past or the future? No, I wouldn't go anywhere but here in the "present".

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

summer plans

I feel like I already talked about this matter before but I don't quite remember. I think it was in the english video that I sent last week, but that video only mentioned what I expected to do during the holidays. 
Anyways, when it comes to plan the vacations I usually do a regular schedule that consist only in visiting my grandmother who lives in San Carlos, a small village near Chillan. There has been some vacations with other destinations, like three years ago when I went to Valdivia, but those trips aren't planned by me. So this next summer I wanna try to do something different: I want to get a job.
Well, getting a job doesn't sound fun at all and I actually agree. The thing is I need a new PC and materials for the third semester of university, so I would need to save some money. But working is not the only thing that I have in mind.
I'm currently doing historical fencing on Sundays so I'm plannig to stay in Santiago for at least the month of Junuary to practice on a regular basis, thus leaving me February for visiting my gandmother. Now that I remember my mother told me she wanted to go to Valparaiso for this vacations. Perhaps I could go with her and my sisters for a week, but I'm not quite sure of that because she only mentioned once. 
So this is my plan for this summer. Kinda lame but is the only thing that I can come up with.

Friday, October 13, 2017


Apparently I got something wrong in my last post but in my defense the academic system in the UK and the United States it's too problematic with names. First you're in the school, then you go to the high school, then you start a bachelor's degree, then you need to choose a  professional degree, then you start a major and ¿then you start a postgraduate apparently? I don't know how the system works anymore. Here in Chile it's just basic education, "medium" education and superior education as I know. Maybe I'm just an ignorant about all this.

Well... about the last degree of education I mentioned I think doing a post graduate would be a good choice and not just for the money (specially "not just for the money" because here when you have a professional title all the scholarships of the government doesn't apply anymore). As I said I wanna know about town planning but I don't know if it is a valid option. Anyways. I wanna know about town planning because it's what I would do as an architect, not because I would plan it instead the act of building always affect the environment. The only thing is that I don't know if town planning exist here in Chile so I would like to take the course outside of the country. But if I study abroad I would need to sustain myself, so I might have a part-time course and get a job in that country. Now that I'm thinking it would be nice if I study in the UK. Well, only time will tell if I accomplish this.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

a job a job a job a job a work a job

When I was applying for Architecture after the PSU I didn't knew what I was doing. At the time I didn't considered it as the career of my life because I was "experimenting". "I wasn't prepared for the world" I thought. As any human been I was scared of been "mature" in this new process in life so I was sure I was gonna fail. I was wrong. Now I feel I'm getting used to this career, actually I'm kinda glad of this opportunity. Here I found "things that makes sence" so at this point I might say "I really want to be an architect".
The only problem is I don't know what an architect does. Obviously architecture is about making proyects and molding space but ¿how do they do that? I don't know. I imagine working as an architect might be like been in a clean but messy office with lots and lots of cofee mugs and models for new proyects. Well, sure been indoor is boring but I don't think architecture it's just about making models and floor plans. I think Architecture it's learned by living, so I would like to travel from time to time to europe and the south of Chile to experience the cities, or just walk around Santiago. If I have those thing in my future job I wouln't care much about how much is my salary. Of course I would need money to buy a house, eat and a lot more, but those things wouln't be as important as been in a job that I like. ¿And what happens after that? Well after my degree maybe I could study a major. I don't know really. I would like to study urbanism but only time has the final answer.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

I love Steven Universe, please send help

When I was a child I remember I watched Ed, Edd and Eddy, Dexter's labs, Johnny Bravo and other cartoons from the late 90's. Sure those cartoons were pretty bizarre back then but they had a charm that no other media had at the moment. "Live action" wasn't a thing yet and anime were very experimental, so the only choise for a kid was watching Cartoon Network (only if you had payed tv).

Everything was fine in my childhood with those programs and I still have some good chapters of my favourites series, but when I grew up I noticed the channel wasn't the same. More and more shows with less popularity and "quality" were broadcasted and my hopes of a good cartoon coming out were fading out instead. So when I found that Cartoon Network were producing new content I was excited for a reason. Adventure Time, Clarence and Regular Show were revisiting the charm of the old cartoons, but at the same time Uncle Grandpa and bunch of other poopy shows ruined my trust in the channel. So then, a miracle. One of the most perfect shows I have seen so far: Steven Universe.

Those wonderful landscapes of Beach City in an apocaliptic but timeless scenery,with awesome but "realistic" (or it might be believable?) characters that struggles when trying to protect the world from an extraterrestial specie... this serie has everything that I liked because it's focused in been a human (in a sense). Steven it's not the superhero that everyone fantisize, he is just a kid, he's the reflection of the will of living, not with bravery but with compassion and joy. Sure other Characters like Garnet, Pearl and Amethyst fights for the planet, but Steven is who save the other Gems from depression and stuff.

I really hope in the near future more cartoons like this one will come out regulary. Well, I have plenty of Anime that I want to watch but no media has giving me so much fun as Steven Universe.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017


I don´t know why but I don't have a favourite movie. For me it's always difficult to start watching any movie and for the most parts I'd rather watch series or play videogames for entertainment. Indeed the last movie I watched was one month ago. The film was The Guardians of the Galaxy and I'm still considering if it was a good movie, certainly it's a weird one.
But, even if I don't sit too often to watch what is new on netflix, I have some recomendations to share with you:
Every time I re-watched the Godfather (part one) I got shivers on my spine when I got to the baptism scene. Seriously, that scene is the "master" inside the "masterpiece" that is this movie.
Another movie that I liked a lot is "The Lord of The Rings: The fellowship of the Ring". Despite I couldn't watched the other parts of the trilogy because I lackthe  time for it, I really liked how it were produced and directed in this adaptation.
Finally, if we're talking of the animated movies, the End of Evangelion is the epitomy of the psicological disorders and the apocaliptic end of humanity. Having a deep and cruel ending that is worth watching, but I might say be careful in this one 'cause it's not entirely a movie. The production of this film was based around the final two chapters of the Neon Genesis Evangelion series, so you might have to start there.
Well, I really enjoyed those films and I hope you'll enjoy them too.
I'm Qwerty Goblets and thanks for reading.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Holidays season and the trip to the southest south

WARNING: The following post it's very boring. So sorry about that but I'm a bad writer and I don't know how to start this post without introducing a "Warning sign"... Wait a minute, this is perfect! my introduction could be this entire warning sign. Thanks post-modernism, you saved my blog once again. Well, back to the post:
 It has passed like 1 years and some months since I went to the south part of Chile and I might say it was a blast (for the most parts). It was holidays season and as always I was bored and without much to do, so when I knew my sister and his boyfriend were planning to go on a trip I beg to let me go with them. So I, my sisters (my other sister also came), Pablo (my sister's boyfriend) and my dad went on a trip to Puerto Montt, my father's "homeland". The trip was planned to last a week because we wanted to know other cities and places, so the first stop were in Salto Del Laja where we camped because it was too late to drive on the road. The next stop was Valdivia, the most awesome city we went. We visited the fort La Niebla, sailed on a boat and we ate "papas bravas" (recommendation: never eat papas bravas without a liquid. It's a very spicy food, trust me). Then we went to a little village that I don't remember much about, but it was near of Lago Renco, so we headed to there. And finally Puerto Montt, kind of a boring place. When we arrived there it was rainning so we only stayed on my grandma's house and that was the last thay of the trip. The next day we came back to Santiago.

 I guess this trip has been the best so far 'cause I don't usually have the possibility of going anywhere on vacations besides of my great-grandmother's house on Chillan, and that little variety made me so happy.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Nihon no turippu

Hello internet.
Today I'm gonna talk about a place that is famous for a lot of weird stuff, specially the stuff that happened in the 90's. Well, if the title isn't obvious, the country I'm talking about is Japan, also known as the "sunrise land", It's a country located in a large island at the east of China and at the south from mother Russia. It's a country with a population of 120 millions of people and currently it's the place with the most suicide rate in the planet (that's a pretty good reason to live there!). Besides all this I would like to visit that country because it is an interesting place. In a sense Japan it's in a constant war with itself. For one part Japan tries to be as conservative as Donald Trump's hair (Donald Trump's hair reference... checked), they try to maintain their folklore and the ideal "Japanese Bussiness" intact, but Japan, as we know, it's one of the country wich it's constantly innovating in matters of technology and science, making this beast of a country... also they have anime. No, but seriuosly, how many countries have that mentality? That  kind of mystical but practical, acient but technological, eastern but western folk (yeah. Did you know after WWII Japan was administrated by USA?)  wonders my mind a lot, so one of the first thing I would do in there is to visit the multiple shinto shrines, observing the Fuji mountain and of course spend a lot of money in Akibahara (What? I have need as any human, don't judge me). Indeed I wouldn't stay for too long, as I said Japan is a very messy and weird country. Everyone is so passioned about their jobs that they die while working in the office. The amount of suicides it's just a consequense of the hard work they have to deal or the loneliness felt in this island. Also, as a society they still belive in a "male-race supremacy", so that's something to consider if you wanna be a fan of the "Japan it's the best country club".